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Disaster Recovery Services 

Test, validate, and prove the business can respond to anything that comes its way

Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS): Modernize your disaster recovery process

Data backup and Disaster Recovery (DR) Services is critical to the business if disaster strikes, whatever form it takes.
Simply put, traditional “check-the-box” plans and testing approaches won’t cut it as the cost and complexity of continuity increases.

That's Why Protera Offers Rapid Backup and Recovery Plan

Graphic showing disaster recovery services framework implemented by Protera Technologies

Protera offers disaster recovery as-a-service (DRaaS) as part of our application and cloud managed services portfolio, enabling companies to adopt consistent disaster recovery operations integrated across the entire business.

Our disaster recovery solution is designed with Automated Disaster Recovery Framework that can help you
systematically test, validate, and prove that your disaster recovery plan can withstand cyberattacks and restore operations with minimal downtime or disruption.

At the same time, Protera’s integration of real-time analytics and proactive monitoring identify and
mitigate potential threats before they can impact business operations, enhancing your disaster
preparedness and response capabilities.

An Enterprise-Wide DRaaS Solution

Traditional DR tests relied heavily on industry point solutions and could only evaluate single business functions, leading to siloed assessments, fractured DR plans, and a massive drain on resources.

Protera ensures that all areas of the business can be tested systematically and regularly so that critical physical and virtual IT workloads are always kept safe and kept running—regardless of specific business, security, and/or compliance needs. Our backup and recovery services ensure that data integrity and availability are maintained.

With Protera’s DR Framework in place, you’ll never have to wonder whether your disaster recovery plan will actually work. We’ll ensure you are insurable against disaster, prepared for the urgency of real-world situations, and equipped for rapid recovery.

Protera's Sprint Based Disaster Recovery Methodology 


Protera’s proven and agile approach to automated DR failover in the cloud enables businesses tostreamline disaster recovery and testing at scale. Projects are delivered via a sprint-based methodologythat includes:
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Discovery and Scoping

Full business and technical scope for dashboarding, reporting, testing and training of all company networks, databases and applications
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Design and Detailed Planning

Total design documentation for the technical failover, including high-level integrations to the business continuity plan 
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Phased approach to failover automation for infrastructure and application components, including a runbook for non-disruptive infrastructure failover process  
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Testing and Handoff

Automated disaster recovery testing and runbook development for non-disruptive application failover, along with facilitation of training and handoff workshops  

Simplify Disaster Recovery Testing with Automation

An image explaining how cloud-based technology simplify disaster recovery testing

Our outcome-focused disaster recovery framework simplifies the complexities of performing DR testing for enterprise applications.

In addition, our backup-as-a-service ensures continuous data protection, enabling quick restoration and minimal disruption. Protera's automated, low-touch, and cloud-based DR solution achieves aggressive RPO/RTO using automated runbooks to initiate failover and perform isolated disaster recovery testing.

A series of actions are performed on each group of applications that start each application in the correct order and also ensure that the application is running.

The Protera Automated Disaster Recovery Framework ensures all areas of the business are identified and tested on a regular basis automatically, removing the drain on resources caused so often by legacy approaches.

This robust approach supports not only effective disaster recovery but also comprehensive site recovery and application continuity.

This approach ensures processes will be executable with minimal human intervention, whether you’re in dress rehearsal for chaos or facing the real thing.

The Protera Advantage

Choosing Protera for your disaster recovery needs means partnering with a pioneering leader in cloud-managed services. Our DRaaS solution removes the cost and complexity barriers as well as the outdatedmethods still used by traditional DR solutions and providers.
  Traditional DR Methods Protera

High upfront investments in hardware and software

Minimal upfront costs with a
scalable payment model

Limited scalability; requires additional hardware or software purchases to handle increased data volumes or complex needs

Highly scalable without the need for additional hardware, adapting seamlessly to business needs and growth
Complexity Complex and resource-intensive, requiring
significant IT staff involvement and expertise

Simplified management with Protera handling much of the complexity, reducing the burden on internal IT staff

Speed of Implementation

Time-consuming to set up and test, with lengthy processes to ensure readiness

Rapid deployment and testing, ensuring quicker readiness and faster response times in the event of a disaster

Reliability and Testing

Often not tested frequently enough, leading to potential failures when needed most

Regular and automated testing to ensure reliability and effectiveness, with continuous updates and improvements

Recovery Time Objectives (RTO)

Longer recovery times due to manual interventions and less optimized processes

Achieves aggressive RTOs using automated processes that ensure quick recovery and minimal downtime

Recovery Point Objectives

May not meet today’s low RPO requirements due to infrequent backups or outdated technology

Meets stringent RPOs with continuous data protection and modern technologies, ensuring minimal data loss

Security and Compliance

Often struggle to keep up with evolving compliance and security standards, posing risks

Exceeds modern compliance and security standards, offering robust protections against a variety of threats

With Protera, you gain a strategic partner that ensures your disaster recovery plan is both dynamic and adaptable. Your IT staff can shift their focus from the day-to-day DR planning and management to more strategic priorities, knowing Protera is always maintaining your disaster recovery systems.

Ensure your systems and team are up for any challenge.

Book a 1:1 session with our enterprise disaster recovery experts to discuss your preparedness for whatever comes your way.

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